Security + Privacy

Security practices

Security has always been a top priority at Replay. We have focused on making all aspects of the service secure, including product design, server architecture, and employee access. Now, automated monitoring through Vanta with formal policies that allow us to stay up to date on our security posture at all times.

We do our best to document our approach to Software Development, Encryption, Authentication, Access Control and other topics in our Security and Privacy page.

Feel free to reach out to if you would like more information about our security practices or a copy of our SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 reports.

Security Baseline

Compliance with SOC2 Type ||

We began our SOC2 journey in late 2021 and made improvements to our security posture across all aspects of our operations. We’re never done working on our security program and we’re committed to sharing information about our security improvements going forward.

Strong Identity and Access Management Practices

We access our AWS Console and APIs using SSO. Additionally it’s common to use IAM User Credentials for services but this is almost never necessary, and instead we’ve opted to use IAM Roles for our workloads.

Monitoring and Tooling

We’ve enabled CloudTrail and GuardDuty and Vanta to report on, and monitor our Cloud posture. We monitor our code for vulnerabilities using Dependabot and Snyk.

We scan our software for vulnerabilities.

No single tool will catch everything and specializes in all types of issues. We use dependabot and snyk to help with our dependency management, and knowing when we have software dependencies we need to patch. Semgrep helps us find security and quality problems through static analysis.

Regular patching and updates

Replay runs on top of Firefox, Chromium, and Node. It benefits from the security and maturity of the these massive projects. The Replay browser on your machine will update automatically with the latest security patches when updates are available.

Beyond the Baseline

Design and Architecture

Maintaining the security of our infrastructure is simple because viewing a Replay does not make real network connections, interactions with the filesystem, or other syscalls. When viewing a Replay, your recording is containerized in a separate kubernetes pod from other replays.

We anonymize production data before using it for testing.

Development teams need data representative of real data to develop properly. We fully anonymize our production database of all PII before it’s used in staging to test database changes

Protecting our Perimeter with Tailscale

We use Tailscale as a VPN to provide secure access to our network.

We provide the security features you need

Your replays are yours, not ours. We offer “Bring your own bucket” to our enterprise customers. All customers are able to use SSO and OIDC without any additional cost, without an SSO tax.

Privacy + Security Policies

For additional information, see our Privacy + Security Policies.

Reporting Security Problems

If you’re a security researcher, or find a security issue in Replay’s product, you can email our security team at We have not yet established a bug bounty because they require significant attention, but we did establish a safe place to report security problems to Replay, or coordinate directly with our security team.

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